

A Quantum Leap Forward in Drug Detection

Our Story

SpectraCann was established in 2023 by Co-founders, Leyal Kara, Dr. Charles Harb and Anna Harb.

Subsequent to the Indonesia bombings of 2010, the Australian Federation of Police sought a modern solution to provide the real-time identification of chemical weapons on bomb sites. At that time, agencies around the world were still deploying technology from the World War ll era.

The result was the world’s first Runtime Cavity Ringdown (rtCRD) Spectroscopy Machine. The technology behind SpectraCann’s substance detection solutions.

This technology was later adapted to a provide a rapid breath test for covid as part of the US government’s Rapid Diagnostics program under the National Institutes for Health. This is where the three co-founders first met and became collaborators. ​

In 2023, recognizing the power of this groundbreaking technology, SpectraCann was formed to help fight the global war on drugs, developing another World First – a THC Breathalyzer based on rtCRD technology.

With the capability to identify more than 250 chemical molecules, SpectraCann has embarked on a journey covering infinite use cases, numerous geographic regions and the ongoing evolution of the technology.

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